3.14 Billion Reasons To Love Pie

This is my blog about pie, otherwise known as the pie blog, otherwise known as my #1 reason to eat too much buttery crust and not do my work. But I think it's good for me, anyway. Writing a pie, baking a novel: Simple ingredients, complex effect. Occasional disasters sometimes taste good. It’s time to expand my pie horizons, revisit old flames, procrastinate with flour, experiment. Fruits. Custards. Chess. Meringue. Peanut butter. The Joy of Cooking and I (and recipe makers of all kinds) are going head to head every week. Or hand in hand, I hope.

You think pie is for old ladies? Neo-fifties housewives? Refined, Paris-visiting, cookbook-writing foodies? Sure, and more power to them. But it's time for a pie revolution. Pie is equal opportunity. It’s feminist, socialist, progressive, hip, down-to-earth, sustainable, and always lovable. It will not be labeled. But it will be…okay, I have to say it:


So, welcome! I can't promise the shiniest food bloggiest blog of all the internets, but this will be 100% pie love. Plus a bit of updating that has nothing to do with pie (unless I find a link, and I might).


LoCo said…
I love you pi-rene.
Anonymous said…
This looks like a great project, Irene! Too bad I won't be able to have any of your pies this summer--but some great memories came back reading through your posts :)
plasticicedtea said…
There is a certain pie I remember from childhood. Mom called it the "Wolfman". It had fur on the back of its hands and it moved fast.
Me and my sis, Sharon, could'nt wait til Mom baked it for us. She usually baked it in summers.
It could be found cooling on Martha Fleming's window sill with curiously pointed and and aggresive looking plastic monster teeth angeling out of its mouth.
(when speaking of pies, I like to make up new verbs)
Aaaaaaaaaahhhhh. memories of Moms
who made us metaphorical pies!

noodle777 said…
Great PIes for the eyes
greats pics! and writings!
plasticicedtea said…
Dear Pi-rene,

I imagine you and your friend Mo
riding upon a magic pie over the
beautiful waters of the Pacific
Ocean. If ya'll have an accident
and crash can you catch a ride home
on a whale? Or a sand dollar?
thinking of your writing and your pieblog always,
I used to love pie crust plain with suger and butter and cinnamon.
That's why a was chubby.
Love ya!

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