It's Hard to Blog About Pie...

When I am not making any pie. I did make some delicious cherry cornmeal scones, but I can't write about that, it's treason. So maybe I'll just write about my life and try to figure out a clever pie-related lens through which to view it. If you can't tell from that last sentence, I'm pretty immersed in academia. Scrolling around online reading interviews with writers about who can tell whose stories, about "post-gay fiction," about identity politics. Love this stuff. Makes me feel like there's so much more to learn. I'm also writing comments on my fiction students' exercises (oh, man...) and working on a review about a Salvadorean novel for the VQR Young Reviewer's Contest. Is any of this about baking yet? Don't worry. I'm getting there.

It's been a big week, with turning in the first draft of my novel, and the reading I got to do at a lovely wonderful hipster/dive bar. I was nervous no one in the buzzed crowd would pay attention, so I picked a story about an affair between a wife and her new nanny. It has lots of drinking and jokes about Republicans and some nudity (while being tasteful! Don't worry, Mom) so even though it's ultimately serious, I thought it'd go over well. And it did! I felt buzzed myself, just reading it, hearing the laughter. I had a couple glasses of wine beforehand, which helped. So what does this have to do with pie? Well, Casey, my friend/ the reading organizer, used my little bio on this very blog to introduce me. I was outed as a pie baker in front of the whole crowd. I think it adds to my mystique. Ha, or lack thereof. Good thing the story had one reference to pie crust. What if I included lines about pie in every piece? It could be my secret trademark.

I'd lose all semblance of hipster-ness, but that's okay...I was never very good at Being Cool, anyway.


C' are so cool! Congratulations on completing your draft *and* making headlines! Can't wait to read it.

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