Celebration Pie!

There are no words, really. I can't stop being happy about this. I cried for an hour when he won. Finally! I've never felt proud of our leadership before - it's a strange, new, wonderful feeling. Also, this brings up the best kind of pie metaphor: sharing the pie. We could use more of that. I'm so glad our new President gets it, and that my fellow citizens actually believe it, too.

In celebration, I want to bake! Well, this weekend, when I have time and am hosting the "slush" reading (of unsolicited manuscripts sent to our journal) at my house. Obama likes pecan, and sweet potato, and coconut cream. Witness this video...



great vid! i cannot explain nor contain my excitement over this. thank goodness for Obama. i think your Obama pie helped too.
Clara said…
Oh man, I totally forgot about your pie-blog until I accidentally clicked on it in my favorite's when I was aiming for something else. I am so glad I did.

I've just spent the last hour or so updating myself on your life and pie and I gotta tell you Irene, I love you. You're so awesome. And I love your pie-blog, it makes me feel like I'm getting just the right slice of your life. (I can do pie puns, too!) Though, I'm sure you have a lot more going on.

Congratulations on having the first draft of your book done, by the way! That's so exciting. I tell my roommate about you all the time, about what you've done, what you're doing, and what you're trying to do and she's pretty sure she likes you already.

Also, yay Obama! There was an enormous mob of students parading around my campus when we found out he won. They were yelling and crying and playing music. My roommate and I were much more sensible and stayed inside to watch the speeches. I have to say that even though I'm not a McCain supporter and I think he made a really terrible decision in choosing Palin as his running partner, I thought his speech was good. When he talked about coming together and supporting Obama, I gained a little more respect for him.

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