Peanut Butter Pie Heaven
And save this one for holiday indulgence. Let's put it this way: cream cheese, whipping cream, and peanut butter? There's a reason it's heavenly. Oh, yum. I want some right now. Instead I'm going to the gym. Not the best way to celebrate the end of the semester, but trying to get back in the saddle after a grueling three weeks in the final paper/grading/fellowship app mode.
The Best Peanut Butter Pie Ever
Graham Cracker Crust (recipe below this)
8 ounces cream cheese (you can use light! I did)
l cup chunky or smooth unsweetened peanut butter
1/2 cup sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla
1 cup cold heavy cream
Chocolate Topping
1/3 cup heavy cream
2 tablespoons unsalted butter.
4 ounces of bittersweet or semisweet chocolate, finely chopped.
Prepare and bake Graham Cracker Crust in a 10" pie pan (see recipe below).
Beat cream cheese, peanut butter, sugar and vanilla just until smoothly blended. In a separate bowl, beat 1 cup cold heavy cream until stiff peaks form.
Using a spatula, fold half of the whipped cream into the peanut butter mixture, then fold in the remaining cream. Spread the mixture evenly in the cooled pie crust. Press a sheet of plastic wrap directly on the surface and refrigerate until firm, about 4 hours.
Bring 1/3 cup heavy cream and the butter to a boil in a saucepan over high heat - keep stirring.
Remove from heat and stir in the chocolate. Let cool to lukewarm, then pour the glaze over the pie and spread evenly. Refrigerate l hour or up to three days.
Graham Cracker Crust
1 1/2 cups fine crumbs made from graham crackers
6 tablespoons ( 3/4 stick) melted butter, warm or cool
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon (optional)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Lightly grease or oil the pie pan. Mix ingredients together with a fork until all are moistened.
Spread the mixture evenly in the pan. Using your fingertips or the flat bottom of a drinking glass, press the mixture over the bottom and 1/2 inch up the sides of the pan. Bake until the crust is lightly browned and firm to the touch, 10 to 15 minutes. Cool before filling.